Information Technology


  • BSc IT-Established In : 2001
  • Msc IT-Established In : 2012

The IT department ensures that the organization's systems, networks, data and applications all connect and function properly. The IT team handles three major areas:

  1. deploys and maintains business applications, services and infrastructure (servers, networks, storage);
  2. monitors, optimizes and troubleshoots the performance of applications, services and infrastructure; and
  3. Oversees the security and governance of applications, services and infrastructure.

The department has a well-knit, committed and vibrant faculty, who apart from being proficient teachers are also instrumental in maintaining a strong bond and a high level of interaction with students at all levels.


Mr. Akbar Khan (Co-Ordinator)
Ms. Manali M. Bhurke
Mr. Akshay Nimkar
Ms. Jyoti Mirani
Ms. Nayna Chavan


cs infra
cs infra
cs infra
cs infra
cs infra

Courses Offered


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