HSNC Board The history of institutions in the first few years of their inception are the most fascinating narratives, for they speak volumes for the times, the dynamics, the leadership and the people for whom they were built. One such history, unique and inspiring, is the trajectory of growth of Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board and its institutions. A dream, a strategy, a hope and a changed political situation seem to have been the basic ingredients of what is today a reputed chain of well-managed colleges. Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board (HSNC Board) was first founded in Hyderabad (Sind) in 1921. It took over the management of Rishi Dayanand Gidumal College in Sind in the year of its inception. In the next two decades, HSNC Board had expanded and built an additional wing to house a Commerce College. Kundanani Then in 1947, partitioning of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan struck a cruel blow to any further consolidation in the field of higher education. Shri. K. M. Kundnani, then the newly appointed Principal of the college and as a man of infinite vision had begun to dream about the future of the colleges. To him, 'Hyderabad was the heart of Sind and his colleges the heart of Hyderabad'. In the changing political scenario, laced with feelings of hatred, such sentiments did not hold good. Mass exodus towards India had upset the routine of everyday life and safety. It is troubled times that test the endurance as well as the limits of human ingenuity. The entire subcontinent was in a state of flux and the atmosphere in the colleges was one of gloom and uncertainty. Principal K.M. Kundnani consoled his staff with the assurance that he was going to start a college in Bombay. Inspired by a new mission, guided by his pragmatic no-nonsense approach and sense of thrift, he shipped equipments, books and a prized chair with the insignia of the college to Bombay. Three qualities that he was endowed with in good measure were to play a seminal role in the setting up of the HSNC Board's colleges in the future. The journey into another moment in history had already begun. Principal Kundnani's arrival in Bombay marked the turning point of the next chapter in the history of the HSNC Board. After extensive search, a plot was located in the suburban outskirts of Bandra and was procured on lease. In November 1948 the construction started at an incessant pace and within six months the structure was ready to allow the college to function from June 1949. Thus, Rishi Dayanand National College made its debut in Bandra. HG_Advani Barrister H. G. Advani played a pivotal role in tapping sponsors, getting donations and providing leadership. Principal K. M. Kundnani and Barrister H. G. Advani were the founding fathers and pillars of the various institutions of higher learning in and around Bombay. Both these great men provided the institutions direction and leadership throughout their lives: Barrister Advani as President and Principal Kundnani as Secretary for several decades. Mr. Kishinchand Chellaram, Mr. Wassiamull Assomull and Mr. J. Watumull provided financial assistance and infrastructure. The second institution set up was K. C. College at Churchgate. It stands today on a plot which was leased from Mrs. Ratanben Fauzdar. The then minister for education, Shri Dinkarrao Desai laid the foundation stone of the building. However, with limited funds, Principal Kundnani took over both the nitty gritty as well as the mighty tasks of constructing yet another college within the record time of six months in June 1954.