Degree Exam Rules
For Aided Section
For Unaided Section
Effective From Academic Year. | Class | Theory Examination Pattern(Duration of exam) | Project Examination Pattern |
2016-2017 | All First Year(Semester I and II)Aided Courses(Except Foundation Course)Only for Foundation courseAll First Year(Semester I and II )Aided Courses | Theory Examination:100 marks(3 hours)Theory Examination:75 marks(2.5 hours) | ------- Project:25 marks |
2017-2018 | All Second Year(Semester III and IV)Aided Courses(Except Foundation Course)Only for Foundation courseAll Second Year(Semester III and IV )Aided Courses | Theory Examination:100 marks(3 hours)Theory Examination:75 marks(2.5 hours) | ------- Project:25 marks |
2018-19 | All Third Year(Semester V and VI) courses | Theory Examination: 100 marks(3 hours) | --------- |
Effective From Academic Year. | Class | Theory Examination Pattern(Duration of exam) | Project Examination Pattern |
2014-2015 | All First Year,Second Year and Third Year(Semester I to VI)courses | Theory Examination: 75 marks(2.5 hours) | Internal assessment: 25 marks |
The PERFORMANCE GRADING of the learners shall be on SEVEN
point ranking system as under :
The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate
performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Provided that the benefit of such gracing marks given in
different courses/ head of passing shall not exceed 1 % of the
aggregate marks in that examination.
Provided further that the benefit of gracing of marks under
this Ordinance, shall be applicable only if the candidate
passes the entire examination of semester/year.
ORDINANCE O.5045-A: - Condonation
If a candidate/learner fails in only one course/head of
passing, having passed in all other courses/heads of passing,
his/her deficiency of marks in such head of passing may be
condoned by not more than 1 % of the aggregate marks of the
examination or 10% of the total number of marks of that course
/ head of passing in which he/she is failing, whichever is
less. However, condonation, whether in one head of passing or
aggregate head of passing be restricted to maximum up to 10
marks only.
Note: Gracing rules are applicable only for regular
examination. For A.T.K.T. Examination the rules are not
Click here to download the rules
Grade | Marks | Grade Points |
O | 80.00 & Above | 10 |
A+ | 70 to 79.99 | 9 |
A | 60 to 69.99 | 8 |
B+ | 54 to 59.99 | 7 |
B | 50 to 54.99 | 6 |
C | 45 to 49.99 | 5 |
D | 40 to 44.99 | 4 |
F | Less than 40 | 0 |
- A learner who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the Semester End Examination of that course. However his / her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over and he /she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him / her on passing.
- A learn who PASSES in the Semester End Examintion but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that course. However his/ her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
For Course without practical (for Faculty of Arts,
Commerce & Science including Foundation Course Paper
I & II)
In case of learner who is reappearing for the Internal Examination, the examination will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva and the interaction.
For Course without practical (for Faculty of Arts,
Commerce & Science including Foundation Course Paper
I & II)
- Eligibility criteria for a learner, to be admitted in Semester V (Third year) of UG programs (aided and non - aided) in Faculties of Arts and Commerce is amended as follows,
- Shall have passed Semester I, II, III and IV in full OR
- Shall have passed Semester I and II in full and secured ATKT in the Second year by failing in not more than Two Courses in each of Semester III and Semester IV OR
- Shall have Secured ATKT in First Year by falling in not more than Two Courses in each of Semester I and Semester II and have passed Semester III and Semester IV in full
- Eligibility for admission to semester V (Third year) of UG programs (aided and non - aided) in Faculty of Science is amended as follows,
Head of Passing | Grace Marks |
Upto 50 | 2 |
051-100 | 3 |
101-150 | 4 |
151-200 | 5 |
201-250 | 6 |
251-300 | 7 |
301-350 | 8 |
351-400 | 9 |
401 & Above | 10 |
- The Board of Examinations of the University constituted under the provisions of Section 31(3) shall be the competent authority to take appropriate disciplinary action against the students using, attempting to use, aiding, abetting, instigating or allowing to use unfair means at the examination conducted by the University
- The Principal of the constituent College or Head of the Recognised Institution shall be the competent authority to take appropriate disciplinary action against the student/s using, attempting to use, aiding, abetting, instigating or allowing to use unfair means at the examination conducted by the College or Institution on behalf of the University.
- Possession of Copying Material: Annulment of the performance of the student at the University / College / institution examination in full. Note:This quantum of punishment shall apply also to the following categories of malpractice at Sr. No. (2) to Sr. No. (12) in addition to the punishment prescribed there at.
- Actual copying from the copying material: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for one additional examination.
- Possession of another student's answerbook: : Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for one additional examination (BOTH THE STUDENTS).
- Possession of another student's answerbook + actual evidence of copying therefrom : Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for two additional examinations (BOTH THE STUDENTS).
- Mutual / Mass copying:: Exclusion of the students from University or College or Institution examination for two additional examinations.
- Smuggling-out or smuggling-in of answerbook as copying material: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for two additional examinations.
- Smuggling-in of written answerbook based on the question paper set at the examination: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for three additional examinations.
- Smuggling-in of written answerbook and forging signature of the Jr. Supervisor thereon:: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for four additional examinations.
- Attempt to forge the signature of the Jr. Supervisor on the answerbook or supplement: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for four additional examinations.
- Interfering with or counterfeiting of University / College / Institution seal, or answerbooks or office stationery used in the examination : Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for four additional examinations.
- Answerbook, Main or Supplement Written Outside The Examination Hall or Any Other Inseration In Answerbook: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for four additional examinations.
- Insertion of Currency Notes / to Bribe or Attempting to Bribe Any of The Personnels Connected With The Conduct of Examinations: Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for our additional examinations. Note:This money shall be credited to the Vice-Chancellor's Fund.
- Using Abusive Language / Violence / Threat At The Examination Centre By A Student At The University / College / Institution Examination To Jr. / Sr. Supervisors / Chief Conductor Or Examiners : Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examination for four additional examinations.
- Impersonation At The University/college/institution Examination : Exclusion of the student from University or College or Institution examinations for five additional examinations. (Both the students if impersonator is University or College or Institute Student.)
- Impersonation By A University / College / Institute Student At S.s.c. / H.s.c./Any Other Examination:Exclusion of the impersonator from University or College or Institution examination for five additional examinations. Annulment of the performance of the student at the University.
- Revealing Identity In Any Form In The Answer Written Or In Any Other Part Of The Answerbook By Student At The University Or College Or Institution Examination : University or College or Institutionexamination in full. Annulment of the performance of the should at the University or College of Institution examination in full.
- Found Having Written On Palms Or On The Body Or On The Clothes While In The Examination Annulment of the performance of the student at the University or College or Institution examination in full.
- All Other Malpractices Not Covered In The Aforesaid Categories : Annulment of the performance of the student at the University or College or Institution in full, and severe punishment depending upon the gravity of the offence.
- If on a previous occasion disciplinary action was taken against a student for malpractice used at examination and he/she is caught again for malpractices used at the examination, in this event he / she shall be dealt with severely. Enhanced punishment can be imposed on such students. This enhanced punishment may extend to double the punishment provided for the offence, when committed at the second or subsequent examination
- Practical / Dissertation / Project Report Examination :Student involved in malpractices at Practical / Dissertation/Project Report examinations shall be dealt with as per the punishment provided for the theory examination.
- The Competent Authority, in addition to the above mentioned punishment, may impose a fine on the student declared guilty
- Applying for Photocopy of answer book and applying for revaluation will be two independent processes.
- Applying for photocopy of answer book or having photocopy of answer book shall not be a pre-requisite for applying for revaluation of the answer book in the said subject.
- The examinee can independently apply for revaluation or photocopy or both simultaneously, if s/he desires so.
- The examinee who desires to apply for revaluation is requested to note that, his/ her original marks will become null and void as soon as s/he submits his/her application for the revaluation.
- The examinee shall check the University website from time to time for the various details regarding his/her result status/ information/ list etc., as the entire process is carried out online. It is responsibility of the examinee to verify the online details. No complaint will be entertained in this respect after due date is over.
- However, the university may adopt any other procedure for acceptance of the application/ fees, which will be circulated for the information of examinees.
- The facility of obtaining photocopy(ies) of assessed and/ or moderated answer book (s) by the examinee is extended with a view to bring transparency in the examinations system and ensure its credibility.
Under these rules, applying for photocopy(ies) of answer
books shall be permitted in respect of:
- For theory papers of all examinations conducted by the University in the current session.
- The examinations conducted by the Director of the Institute of Distance Education/ Principals of constituent/ affiliated colleges or directors/ Heads of University department/ Recognized Institutions of behalf of the University, in the current session.
- The scripts of practical examination/ session work/ project work/ dissertation/ internal assessment/ term work (including theory part) whenever the written scripts are available, in the current session.
- The examinee(s) shall apply for the photocopy to the principal/ Directors of the respective College/ Institution to which the candidate has registered for the said course in the prescribed format along with the non-refundable fee prescribed for the purpose by Controller of Examinations, as per the procedure and the manner decided by the University, time-to-time. The examinee belonging to the reserved categories shall be granted 50% concession in the fees.
- The Principal/ Directors of the respective college/ institutions to which the candidate has registered for the said course shall process the applications of practical examination/ session work/ project work/ dissertation/ internal assessment/ term work (including theory part) wherever the written scripts available as per the procedure laid down here-in-after mutatis mutandis.
- The Principal/ Directors of the respective college/ institutions shall accept he prescribed application form for obtaining photocopy(ies) of answer book(s) of the examinations conducted by University within ten working days from the date of the declaration of the result of the examination. He shall forward these applications to the university within next 3 days. No application after the date will be entertained on any ground whatsoever
- Incomplete application forms, applications with false information, unsigned applications shall be rejected without assigning any reason whatsoever and the fees paid along with the application form neither shall be refunded nor will any representation be entertained in such cases.
- The University shall endeavour to supply photocopy of answer books as far as possible within 25 working days from the date of receipt of application to the university.
- On receipt of photocopy(ies) the applicant examinee shall be the sole custodian of it and under any circumstances the examinee shall not part with the custody/ possession of the same and also shall not use the same for any other purpose(s).
- The photocopy(ies) so obtained by the examiner shall be for his/ her exclusive and relevant use. Neither the said examinee nor any other person can use the said copy to dispute or challenge he quality of assessment or quantum of marks assigned to the answer there-in.
- If the examinee is found guilty of indulging in any act/ attempt he/she shall be liable to be tried before the unfair means committee of the University and the decision taken by the authorities based in the recommendation of the said committee shall be final.
If his/her indulgence/ commission in unfair act/ attempt are
proved, the examinee shall be liable for the punishment
ranging from:
- Cancellation of his/her marks in the said subject either original or after revaluatio
- Cancellation of his/her marks in full of the said examination,
- Annulment of examination(s) maximum up to 5 years
On receipt of the photocopy, if the discrepancy of following
nature is noticed by the examinee, he should apply to the
university within seven working days to the Controller of
Examinations along with the fees of Rs. 100 as Grievance
Redressal Fee.
- Mistake in totalling
- Non assessment of question/ sub- question
- Improper photocopy
- After due verification, the Controller of Examinations shall make necessary rectification in the marks allotted to the said subject and consequently in the result of the candidate without charging any further fee for such rectification and also declare the same on University website.
- It will be binding on the concern examiner/ moderator to attend the call of the university and be present for revaluation work. It will also be the responsibility of the Principal/ Director to relieve the examiner/ moderator to attend University on the given date or within next three working days.
- Not attending the university revaluation work within stipulated period will be treated as misconduct. Appropriate action and/ or penalty of Rs.100/- per day will be imposed on concerned teacher and also the concerned principal, if he/she does not relieve the teacher in time.
- The examinee is free to apply for photocopy(ies) of answer books of as many subjects as he/she desires
- The examinee is fee to apply for photocopy(ies) of answer books of as many subjects as he/she desires Rules and Procedure for the Revaluation of the Answer book(s)
- If the examinee is not satisfied with the marks awarded, he/she may apply for revaluation to the university/ Institutions/ College in the prescribed form within the prescribed period and in the manner prescribed here-in- after.
- The revaluation facility shall be for theory papers of all the examinations conducted by the university for the respective current session and the applications received within prescribed time limit.
Under these rules the revaluation of answer books shall also
be permitted in respect of
- The examinations conducted by the director of the institute of Distance Education/ Principals of constituent/ affiliated colleges of Directors/ Heads of University Departments/ Recognized institutions, on behalf of the University,
- The marks awarded to the scripts of practical examination/ session / project work/ dissertation/ internal assessment/ term work (including theory part) wherever written scripts are available.
- All examinees can apply for the revaluation of the answer books with whatever marks s/he secured and even the zero marks.
- The examinee can apply for the revaluation of his/her answer books of the as many subjects as he/she desires
- The examinee shall apply for revaluation in the prescribed form along with prescribed fee and in the manner and procedure decided by the University.
- The candidates belonging to the reserved categories shall be given 50% concession in the fees, provided the principal of the concern college certify the same.
- For the examinations conducted by the University, the prescribed application form for revaluation of answer book should be submitted to the college, within ten working days from the date of the declaration of the result of the respective examination. No documents are to be attached with application.
- For the examinations conducted by the college/ department/ Institutions, and also for practical examination/ sessional work/ project work/ dissertation/ internal assessment/ term work (including theory part) wherever written scripts are available., the prescribed application form for revaluation of answer book should be submitted to the respective college/department/ Institutions, within 10 days working days from the day of the declaration of the result of the respective examination.
- Examinee has to endorse all details/ marks correctly in the application form. Any false information, if observed at any time, the application will be summarily rejected. No refund will be entertained in such cases.
- The examinee shall submit the application and remit the prescribed fess in the manner and procedure decided by university. The principal of the concerned college shall verify the application data, especially the reserved category cases, certify and forward the applications of the examinations conduced by the university within next five days, to the university. The applications of the examinations conducted by the respective college/department/institution shall process the applications as per the manner and process defined by this VCD mutatis mutandis.
- The processing and co-ordination of the revaluation cases will be done by the concerned unit. The verification and rectification, if required, in these cases be done by the concerned unit. Assessment of the revaluation process will be done by arranging the CAP.
- The applications for revaluation received after the last date shall not be accepted by the university under any circumstances, whatsoever.
Effect shall be given to the change in original marks on
revaluation, as under-
- The marks obtained after revaluation shall be accepted, if the marks awarded to a paper as a result of revaluation, increase or decrease in revaluation by 10 percent or more than the maximum marks assigned to that paper, and in such case(s) the marks originally obtained by the candidate shall be treated as null and void and the marks obtained by the candidate after revaluation shall be accepted as the marks obtained in that paper. Notwithstanding what is stated above, the marks obtained after revaluation shall be accepted by the University, lf the candidate gets benefit of passing the subject or examination or change of class or grade in the paper or in the overall result at the said examination with or without grace marks under the provisions of relevant ordinances or as resolved by the examiners in the said subject.
- Notwithstanding what is contained in clause 37 (i) where the difference between marks originally obtained by the candidate without any grace marks and the marks obtained after revaluation will be accepted upto 25% of the maximum marks assigned to that paper. However, if the difference between marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper without any grace marks, and marks obtained after revaluation increase or decrease by more than 25% of the maximum marks assigned to that paper, a second revaluation of the said answer book be done by a third examiner from the panel of examiner for the said subject.
- An answerbook shall also be sent for second revaluation to another examiner (third examiner) if on the first revaluation, a candidate's marks are decreased below the passing marks. In such an event the marks assigned by the third examiner will be treated as the final marks in the said subject.
- The revised marks obtained by a candidate after revaluation, as accepted by the University shall be taken into account for the purpose of amendment of his or her results only and the said result will be communicated to the student through the University website.