National Service Scheme nss_logo NSS unit of National College provides an oppurtunity of leadership development through social service. It is a platform where one can be a part of the programs conducted within and outside the college. We organize awareness campaigns, leadership camps, health camps and special rural area visits every year. The main aim of the unit is to inculcate the leadership qualities and sensitize them towards the problems faced by our society today. "Not Me, But You" is guiding principle that motivates us to work as a team and achieve the goal. Programme Officer: Dr. Vijendra Shekhawat Who can join?
  • Any student admitted to any undergraduate program of R.D. National College can enroll as a volunteer.
  • Enrollment is on First Come First Serve basis.
  • Enrollment is subjected to the the limit upto 150 volunteers only.
  • Contact: NSS Unit, Near the Main Building Entrance
  • Development of leadership qualities in students.
  • Sensitizing the students on social and academic issues.
  • Special camps, rural are visits, ecologocal tours, etc.
  • Beach Cleanup Drives
  • Blood Donation Camps
  • Voter Awareness Campaigns
  • Covid Vaccination Drives
  • Development at Pansai Village
  • Pulse Polio Drives